Five Tips For Getting Kids Ready For School In 2020

Caregivers, Community, Education, Health, Parenting, Self-Care, Tips

School will be starting around the country soon. Sort of. It may not be the typical way school starts, but it will be starting. Whether you are kids will be doing “traditional learning,” “blended learning,” “virtual learning” or you are back homeschooling like always, there are several tips for getting kids ready for school. 

Discuss Honestly

Parents need to be honest with their kids about what is going on in the world and how it will impact this year’s school year. Keep it at their level, using language they will understand. Answer as many of their questions as you can, as honestly as you can.

Please try not to scare your younger kids. The world appears to be scarier than normal, but, truth be told, there have been “bugs” out there forever that are more dangerous and deadly than what we are currently facing. Let them know that you, as the parent, will do what you always do – keep them as safe, healthy and happy as possible.

Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know” when you kids ask you questions you don’t have the answer for. There are so many things, as always, we just don’t know or have answers for. They would much rather hear the truth from you about not having the answer than to learn later you didn’t have the answer.

Reassure them you are there for them. Let them know you will answer whatever questions they have. Offering to look up the information or contacting their school (or doctor) should offer them some comfort during the current craziness.

Stick To Your Principles

Never compromise your principles! If you feel strongly about any of the current issues, let those feelings be heard. Don’t be pressured to go against who you are and what you believe to make others happy. Do all you can to abide by the ever-changing mandates and suggestions, but always remember you are the parent and only you (and those you chose) can make the best decisions for your child.

When not compromising your principles, be careful not to compromise your kids health, happiness and education. It can be a fine line, but you can do. Follow your heart and your gut as you listen to those you trust for things beyond your area of expertise – pretty much the same thing you’ve always done as a parent.

Set Expectations

As with every school year, set the expectations. Let your child know, even though things are (may be) different this year, you still expect specific things from them. Yes, depending on how different school will be for you this year, those expectations may be different from previous years.

This school year, our expectations for our daughter will not change that much. We still expect her to do her best at all times. We still expect her to follow the rules without compromising herself and the beliefs we helped instill in her. We still expect her to live her life with respect, kindness and integrity.

Be Flexible

Flexibility may be “the word of the 2020 school year.” We don’t know what kinds of changes to expect. Parents, kids and teachers will need to learn to “go with the flow.” Being flexible is probably the most challenging part of the 2020 school year. 

Be an example to your kids when it comes to being flexible. Show them you can make them the necessary adjustments for this school year to be successful. Be understanding, especially with your younger kids, when they don’t want things to change. No one does, but,.as of now, it appears this school year can change on a dime.

Avoid Blame

Avoid blaming yourself, your kids, your school and, yes, even the government. Try to keep the mindset “we are all doing the best we can.” When we believe we are all doing our best, it will help us to meet our goal. That goal is to have a successful, happy and healthy 2020 school year.

Placing blame only causes resentment and anger. Those two emotions are almost always useless, especially when it comes to education. Before you start resenting what is happening and feeling anger about the situation, do what you can to remove yourself from the situation. Find a peaceful and joyful way for your kids to learn.

In my lifetime, I have learned there are three lessons that can be only learned the hard way – how to let it go, how to roll with it and how to rock it. From what we are currently seeing, those are the three things we need to learn to do this school year. As always, this is the school year to truly “rock it.” Using these tips will help you rock it. And, if you need some additional ideas or just want to vent, please join our Oily Housewives Facebook group. We are here to help anyway we can.

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