School safety is always an issue. Not only do we have to keep our kids’ bodies safe, but also their hearts and minds. Young Living has several essential oils that will help to keep safe, safe in all sorts of different ways. By using those essential oils at home, on a daily basis, we can
Young Living
Believe it or not, potatoes can be healthy. Yes, they are loaded with carbs and people who are watching their carbs work hard at avoiding them. Despite that, potatoes can be quite healthy. Even people who are watching their carbs. Truth be told, we all need some carbs and those carbs can be in the
Life is crazy. Things happen. Instead of being a comfortable carousel going up and down, calmly and gently, it is an insane roller coaster. Giant hills, big bumps and hairpin curves that make you think you will go flying into the air – that is life as we know it. Things appear to be happening
Using essential oils is about as simple as simple gets. Despite that, there are a few problems people run into. They make a mistake or two and, sadly, they throw in the towel. Some will think essential oils do not work. Others will think using them is too complicated and difficult. Neither of those two
As the debates continue whether to wear masks or not and if masks are effective or not, there are people who are willingly to wear masks, but, for legitimate reasons, can not wear a mask. Their inability to wear masks is forcing them not to go to work, go to the store and go the
With all the debate going on across America about wearing or not wearing masks, people often forget there are legitimate reasons some people can not wear face masks. One of those legitimate reasons for not wearing a mask is abuse. Wearing a mask can become a trigger for people who have survived child abuse, domestic
Busy Mom’s Stew recipe is terrific for your family. I use quite a bit. It is a great stew for the entire family. Super simple. You can even use your Insta Pot to make it! So super simple it is a great way to start incorporating Young Living essential oils into your cooking. Yes, you can
My skin has been neglected. I can’t deny it. Life happens and it got away from my skincare routine. Not anymore though. I am making a concentrated and purposeful effort to take care of my skin. I’m trying something new for the month of August. Yes, it will be a month-long beauty journey of trying
If you aren’t using a diffuser, you should be! Diffusers are an excellent way to take in all the goodness of Young Living essential oils. Whether you want to diffuse for just a few minutes or if you want to diffuse all day, there are several ways to take advantage of the benefits of essential
We all deserve a little pampering! Everyone should be able to spend a little time every day to make themselves feel special. One way to pamper yourself with special lotions. Not only will you have done something for yourself, but it is an excellent (and easy) way to take care of your skin. Here are
Band moms rock! However, does it ever feel like “soccer moms” get all the recognition? Not this time. We are now recognizing “band moms.” There are a lot of us out and it is time we stepped into the spotlight, if only for a moment or two. There aren’t many better ways to recognize band
Do you have an overly-excited dog? What about a dog that is nervous or afraid? We all know that can be a giant issue when you are trying to maintain a calm, quiet and peaceful home. Never fear! There is some help on the way. Try these tips and keeping dogs calm will be easier
We all have places we need to go. We all have similar places we need to go – the grocery store, school, the ballpark, a restaurant, the vet’s office, etc. All of us need some “mode of transportation” to get there. We find the vehicle that suits our needs and we go. It is all
One of my biggest pet peeves is the lie people tell about pets and essential oils – “Essential oils are deadly for pets.” That is not true. It just bugs the living daylights out of me when I hear it. The lie keeps circulating at pet stores, pet rescues, among pet parents and, most of
I don’t know about anyone else, but driving is one of the most stressful things I do. It is 2020 – why aren’t we saying “Beam me up, Scotty” to get where we need to be? Seeing technology hasn’t caught up with our dreams, we still have to get behind the wheel and get from
Everyone has heard the saying “What goes up, must come down.” No truer words have ever been spoken. It doesn’t matter what it is, how big it is or how powerful it is, everything that goes up must go down. It is a law of nature. We can’t get around this. Sadly, this law applies to
“Going healthy” is always a good decision. No one has to be perfect at it or “militant” though. Every little bit of “healthy” you can get into your life is helpful. I found the hardest part of adding the healthy to our lives was my husband. [Before I get into this story, you need to